Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Independent and Conservative - voting for Trump - and proud of it

Today is election day 2020

I'm not a Republican anymore, or a Democrat.  

I am a conservative.  
I'm independent of the two party system that George Washington claimed would kill America.  
Smart man, George.  If you recall history, the people of his day wanted to make him King after the war. Maybe they missed the memo about WHY the revolution happened? He reminded them and reluctantly accepted the position.

For decades, our ship of states has been abused.  
We have run aground on the rocks of entitlements that Democrats are famous for. Our country is in the worse shape it's ever been in because even when something good comes up, the parties fight each other.  Each tries to add to bills that are being voted for.
WE the PEOPLE became so sick of politicians, Trump became President.  No, I did not vote for him - or for Hillary.  I was appalled such an immoral man could be accepted as a candidate.
This year, 2020, I did vote for him - by mail.  Why?  
Because, despite all opposition, and he's had more than ANY President in my lifetime, he kept his promises.   
He appointed 3 Conservative justices, he made us energy independent for the first time in who knows how long, he ended NAFTA - a wicked trade deal for American farmers, he is pro-life, pro-religious freedom, he proved that the therapeutics he talked about really did work when he got covid19, and he didn't get us into a war; instead, he has made headway for peace in the middle east!  
Best of all he undid much of what B.O. did to our country.
Rewind just a bit to the former person who was POTUS: 
Before B.O. was elected, they (60 minutes or some program like it) interviewed his extended family in Africa.  I saw a small segment which featured his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, claiming B.O. had been born in Africa - that she had been there! Members of the family were sitting on a couch eyes down, looking uncomfortable and they contradicted her with their lame, Now Gramma...statements, as if the woman had lost her marbles.  She hadn't!  That woman was sharp! She raised B.O. from the time he was 10, you'd think she'd know where he was born! Interesting how she died 2 November 2008 (3rd of November in the Continental U.S.A) two days before he was elected.  I believed her, not what B.O. was telling everyone.
It doesn't take an expert to figure out it shouldn't take that long to hand over a birth certificate.  It took WAY too long to get something that should have been produced in twenty-four hours...or less, considering who was being questioned.  
I also have a problem with the fact no one ever questioned his country of birth before he even became a Senator. Why had that been glossed over for so long? But the fact B.O. should never have been our President is a moot point now.  And yes, he inherited a mess.  No doubt about that. 

B.O. hasn't been the only problem.  I haven't cared for George Bush Sr. since he talked about the "One World Order" and George Bush Jr. wasn't much of an improvement after his 'sweeping' No Child Left Behind idea.  Don't get me started on the moral bankruptcy of the Clinton's.  In my eyes, the Clinton's didn't inherit a big mess.  They were given credit for what two administrations did before them - Reagan and Bush Sr.  
We need to correct the mistake - as in WE THE PEOPLE.  Presidents are just figureheads. The real power is in the Senate and Congress.  
To make the necessary corrections will require enormous sacrifice and commitment. Many people are waking up to the awful mess we are in - and it took corona virus to do it! 
It will take a miracle of biblical proportions to correct all that's wrong in this country.  It happened last time. I hope it will this time.  

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