Saturday, October 17, 2015

Batman vs. Superman

At a recent Comic-Con, it was said Batman is the better-liked comic book hero over Superman.  

They claimed people can no longer relate to the super-clean super-intelligent Superman. in today's society, superheroes have to have an evil side to be thought good? Since when do they have to be a little slummy/sleazy like the most current psycho-Batman to make us feel better about ourselves?

Here it goes, opening volley:  the current Batman is NOT a 'hero'.  He is immoral. Period. His ONE saving grace is using his money to fight evil.  

I can't relate (nor do I want to relate) to Batman as he is written (and portrayed) today.  In my eyes, they've rewritten Batman in such an offensive way, he's become a super-rich spoiled man-boy that needs psychiatric help to get over himself (no worries, he can afford it).  Every Batman movie they've made has flopped except the one with Heath Ledger - and only because the writers gave the Joker better lines!  I was appalled the BAD guy was made out to be the most interesting person of that film!  What price did Ledger pay for portraying the psychotic/evil/perverted character? 

In the comics I read as a little girl Batman wasn't written as a psycho with a deep-seated need for vengeance because his parents were murdered. Back then, he used his inherited wealth and used his secret identity to do good.  

I LOVED Superman, and Superwoman, and Supergirl.  All my friends/siblings pretended to stand for what was RIGHT!  We wore towels as capes and fought the bad guys, we didn't join them or hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Evil was to be avoided.

Superman symbolized everything right in the world - a goal to shoot for.  Helping others was his motto and creed. 

In my opinion, Hollywood no longer understands REAL heroes.  They don't know what to do with a man that has morals and decency flowing in his blood. Kal-El has the genetics of a higher race,  a higher level of understanding and refinement.  He wouldn't lower his standards because he understands humans need something to shoot for - to raise their standards.

Back when Christopher Reeve played Superman, there was a scene where Lois asks him what color her underwear were.  NOT cool.  The original Lois and Superman would NEVER have had that conversation.

In that same film, they characterized Lois Lane as brash, rude, and immoral.  The newer Lois Lane is written as pushy, also rude, and only out for herself until she meets Superman - and wants to be better than she was.  Meeting him made her a better person.  
The current Batman doesn't do that.  Hasn't anyone noticed that no decent person meets the Bat and claims they'd like to be just like him when they grow up? Me neither.

There is another lie that Hollywood has been shoving down society's throat for some time.
They claim morals are outdated and every woman is dressed slutty, talks sluttier, and that you should be a slut too, or you'll forever be an outsider.

If that's what it takes to fit in, I prefer to live in my own much safer/moral world where I get more choices because I'm following a higher law. 

Right is right and wrong is wrong.  There is no grey area. That's the biggest lie of all. Too bad Hollywood can't seem to get it right. 

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